Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Smith Family left a Christmas tree behind so it is now the branch's Christmas tree and we had fun sharing the basics of making paper chains for our tree decorations. I think the elders were modeling some of the completed chains, but I'm not sure. We played games, sang Christmas carols around the tree with the lights on, were surprised by a jolly old guest, and enjoyed some wonderful treats. When the branch president returned, everyone told him about the Santa Claus that came while he was gone. Too bad he missed the jolly old guy.
For many who were there, Christian and Hindu, it was their first Christmas tree experience and many took the opportunity to take group pictures around the tree. It was a very successful activity. Enjoy the pictures and have a few laughs, we certainly did!

Having some fun with the "chain gang".

Don't ask.

Two smiles to warm your heart.

Roma, her friend, and Nittin doing the chains.

Decorating a Christmas tree was a new experience for almost all of the branch members.

One of the relay races scooping up and carrying candies on a spoon to the other end of the room.

A group shot of those who attended including 2 of the building's security guards.

Joseph and Santa

Think she's impressed with Santa's beard?

Archana's little girl is not impressed with a Santa who can't put his beard on right.

Subash and Usha. I think Subash was worried about breaking Santa's knee.
Rikki Kul and Sister Sheila Hukil. The Santa gig was fun and I was surprised by how everyone really got into the spirit of it.

Uma doesn't need to worry about breaking anyone's knee.

Anil Verma, a good friend of E/S Tanner who came with Sonu and Gauri, his niece and daughter.

Come on Sangita Kul, lighten up. She did and actually has a beautiful smile.

Rajat Kul is a little better than his sister in the smile department.

Hmmm, what do you know Dennis that I don't know?

Gauri, you definitely are the life of the party.

Brother and Sister Kul to be. The serious smiles seem to run in the family.

This young man I need to apologize to since I forgot his name.
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