Sunday, December 20, 2009
We had a wonderful Christmas program today. Our entire branch was the choir seated where they were as Sister Tanner put together a series of scriptures read by members with Christmas carols sung by the congregation in between. For us it brought the spirit and that is all you expect or need in a service. After our block was over, we had a baptismal service, the first since August. The Kol family, and another first for our branch, a complete family, was baptized. The weather even cooperated as the sun was out and it wasn't as cold as it had been.

Joseph, Dennis, and Robin, members of our branch and Melchizedek priesthood holders, performed the baptisms. They had all been to the Kuls with the elders during teaching visits and the family recognized they had the same priesthood as the missionary elders.

The four members in front, are cousins, a sister, and mother, the Peters, from the Delhi Dwarka branch who came to Noida to support their relatives. Vishal Peter, left front, was on the youth service project the day before.
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