The outgoing presidents, Brother and Sister Barnes return to the states on the 18th, but had done some good preparatory work to set up the activity. But I have to hand it to Sister Tanner for making contact with the branch YW presidents, getting an opening speaker, preparing some key materials, and in general putting in the effort to help make the event successful. I just love being there when she conducts anything because of the life and vitality she brings to any undertaking. Am I ever blessed to have her as a companion.
The opening speaker, Rozelle Smith, originally from the Bahamas, and now Florida, is an outstanding individual. She is a convert to the church and what an example of the theme - Dream Big, Work Hard, Make a Difference. She comes from a lower income background, but has advanced degrees biology and I believe chemistry and has her own pharmaceutical consulting practice. She is a living example of what the theme is about and such energy. What a great lady.

The youth were put into groups and each group prepared a presentation based on some pictures they were given and an assigned and related part of the theme. An adult with a laptop was assigned to each group and did the PowerPoint work for the youth. I had a great time and was surprised as the youth got into it, caught the vision of what was needed, and really became creative. We all then met together to enjoy each group's presentation. President Beesa concluded with a talk, then it was pizza and cupcake time. A great afternoon and what fun working with the future of the church in Delhi!!

Sister Tanner with the District YW Secretary and the District YW Counselor.

Pictures follow of three of the youth groups that presented.

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