Here's our hostess in her Indian Halloween suit with Elizabeth Smith who came as Sister Tanner. They both have the same block print skirt.
Sonu showing how it's done.
Mansa taking her turn.
And Sonu beats Elder Tamang in a playoff.
We played games like dropping an eyeball in a glass, teams putting a skeleton together on a door, balloon popping team relay, taking a bite out of a hanging apple for those willing to embarrass themselves, passing the goblin head game, and teams making a mummy race.
Who is going to come up with a mummy first?
And the winner is, Gauri Pande's team.
Scary Thomas from the Tomb!!
Is anyone still in the tomb?
It seemed like we had barely started and it was 9 PM already and time for treats and then goodbyes. Sister Tanner did not disappoint on the treats – apple crisp, brownies, ice cream, cup cakes with orange frosting, a veggie plate and real Ranch dressing, and drinks. Wow, can the Sister ever do a party, she is leaving a hard act to follow. We had sooo much fun!!
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