Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Smith family has been in Noida almost 3 years and has been a mainstay of the church here. Shortly after their arrival, Scott and Amy were asked to hold a home group at their house which eventually led to meeting in a rented building, then the formation of the branch in November, 2008, and finally to the building we meet in now which is great. They had anticipated staying until December next year, but family circumstances have necessitated a change of plans. Scott has been President Smith in our branch since it was formed and what a great job he has done in helping the branch members grow. It was with a lot of love that an open house was held for the family Saturday, the 14th.

Dhirendra (Robin) Baisoya brought roses to give to each of the family members and here he is handing them out.

The family sat together up front and those that wanted to express their feelings to them went up to do so. It wasn't a testimony meeting, but close to it.

Monica, who is taking lessons with the missionaries, expressed her feelings for the Smiths by singing a beautiful song in Hindi. I couldn't understand the words, but you could tell it was a song of the heart and I loved it.

The Smith Family
Back L-R, Scott, Amy, Mary, Hannah, Grandpa Smith, Rebecca, Ben
Front L-R, Elizabeth, Naomi, Aaron

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Our District president came to church today along with President Jackson to release President Smith. With the family leaving, it also takes our entire Primary and our Young Women. We will definitely miss the family and the youthful spirit children always bring with them. Elder Tanner was sustained as the new branch president and his counselors are 2 good men, Jose Joseph and Dennis Thomas.
I can recall being sustained as part of a new bishopric one time and after the sustaining, we were all asked to come and sit on the stand. One of the sisters commented later that we looked like deer caught in headlights. I feel like a deer caught in the headlights again today. The hardest part is we will be gone 7 out of the next 15 days in November. Not an auspicious way to begin a new calling.
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