We now have an online system, CHaS, to administer the humanitarian projects. I've had some fun getting certified and providing feedback on a few bugs and data problems, but it is a good application and will really be a help in handing off projects as missionaries come and go since the records will now be primarily online and available, especially the financial accounting information on budgets and expenditures. Love it!! This was something we heard about in the MTC almost a year ago, but it is finally in the field now in Asia.
We had a birthday dinner for Elder Schade Sunday, August 9th after church and were joined by l-r, Elder Shepherd, Francis, Elder Swanborough, Robin, Elder Barrick, Matthew, Elder Erekson, Dennis, Arpit, Elder Chilumula, Elder Schade, Elder Tanner.

We had
real beef hamburgers with all the fixings and the elders were blown away by Sister Tanner's efforts and resourcefulness. First burger in over a year for us. What a great meal!!!

Elders Chilumula and Swanborough completed their missions on Wednesday, August 12th. They are great elders who worked hard in serving their Lord and we will really miss them.

For a long time Sister Tanner had wanted to capture one of our larger cockroaches. The other night she had her chance and made good with her pinned trophy. That is an American quarter for size comparison. Not the largest roach we've seen, but big enough to make me wonder when I walk into the bathroom at night barefooted in the dark.

The toreador didn't forget his cape, I was actually checking to see if the bull would look up, but it does make an interesting picture.

Our entire mission at Zone conference on August 14th. President and Sister Jackson are in the middle. Two seniors didn't get the memo on wearing coats - ha!

This is another long awaited picture opportunity. Sister Tanner had wanted a picture of some of the children going home after school in the bicycle "busses". Today we had the camera and the opportunity.

Back packs just like the states, but this mode saves the shoulders and back.

Another Sunday dinner and Sister Tanner outdid herself one more time. It was a swiss steak type main dish, with tons of mashed potatoes, real jello, sweet carrots (brown sugar does it), and blue berry muffins. Our new elders, Willie and Smith to my right, were blown away with the food. We ate 5 kilos (11 lbs) of potatoes and gravy and was everyone ...
completely stuffed or what?

Rakhi is a holiday in India where sisters give brothers a string they tie on their wrist and ask for their protection. Young women without brothers can give the string to a cousin or someone else that is close to them. The brothers in turn give the sister(s) a gift and a promise of their protection. This one of the little customs here in India that we both really like. Robin received over 20 strings from his sisters and cousins and Sister Tanner. He'll wear them until Diwali, the religious holidays in September this year.

Sister Tanner and her gift of "sweets" from her "brother" Robin.
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