And I just realized you're probably asking, what blanket project? Back in September when we arrived, money had been approved by the Area to acquire newborn blankets for the hardest hit areas in the flooding in Bihar. One of the first posts in this blog had pictures of Sister Tanner giving out a few sample blankets we had taken up with us, but the sample source did not work out. We finally managed to obtain and ship 8,500 blankets with the money provided. They will surely be welcome now that winter is here.
We had some Christmas decorations stored in a back room and Sister Tanner got them out and went to work with some help from the elders on the tree.
This nativity was a find Sister Tanner made when she met with some expat (Americans in India) women in Delhi. One of them had an extra set and sold it to her. It is cast brass and is arranged in a Subway sandwich box stable.
December 20, 2008
The new Noida branch had its first ever Christmas party. There were just under 40 people there, members, investigators, and friends. Here we are with our new set of District Elders. Patha, Sarver, Walker, Siyyadri, Dyck in back, and Joseph.
December 23, 2008
All decorated and ready to go.
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2008
President Katuka and his family invited us over for Christmas eve with them. Joshua, Timna, President Katuka, and his wife Swarupa. We had a great time visiting and signing carols and what a superb dinner by Sister Katuka. She had toned down the spices just for us and it was wonderful. There must have been at least 8 dishes and all were outstanding!
Full stomachs and waiting for the man in red.
Christmas Day
We had the district elders over for an early breakfast before heading to Delhi for the mission Christmas party. After pancakes with home made maple flavored syrup, bacon, and scrambled eggs, the elders took advantage of our Skype to call home. They are allowed an hour on Mother's Day and on Christmas day to call and talk.
Santa Baby ...
The mission party was held at the First Branch building in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. We watched the First Presidency Christmas program on DVD, then had a short testimony meeting. The spirit was sooo strong listening to these young men testify of their Savior and the work.
After lunch, each district presented a skit that they had prepared to kick off the activities organized by Sister Tanner. Here is our Noida district giving their rendition of the First 12 Days of My Mission. It was hilarious.
Somewhere, Sister Tanner found Sponge Claus Square Pants and had him come and pass out stockings full of goodies to the elders. Sister Ricks, our mission president's wife, prepared the stockings.