During our first weeks, we quickly learned that we could not rely on having electricity to prepare food. Read that, learn to live without a microwave, electric mixer, etc. Sister Tanner has created some delicious items that only require the stove top. My favorite is a white cheese sauce she came up with, don't ask me for details, but take my word, it is delicious. We have beautiful vegetables here, cauliflower and broccoli in particular, and I had mentioned how much I liked them, especially with a cheese sauce. And next thing I know, my kitchen angel has performed magic. A full plate of cauliflower and broccoli with that great sauce over it all is truly heaven. The sauce also found a great use in the omelet along with the peppers, fresh mushrooms, and sometimes a little ham or bacon if we have it. Again, eating heaven, hmmmm. There is much, much more, but suffice it to say, I've always appreciated Sister Tanner's cooking skills, but never like I have here. She is so resourceful and prepares wonderful food for her companion and the blessed elders who happen to be working in Noida.
Remember the jokes and stories about a husband coming home for dinner and announcing to his wife he had brought his boss along ... well, one Sunday we were in our building entry way after church with all the Noida elders, 6, and the next thing you know Sister Tanner has an hour to get dinner prepared for the whole crew ... and the amazing thing is she pulled it off with a delicious feast.
Here's another one in Sister Tanner's own words from an email to our children: " When we came home [from church] and took dinner out, I discovered that 3 hours doesn't do it for a roast and potatoes in the Easy Bake Oven. The meat was done but not tender, and the potatoes and carrots were still quite hard. The power was out, of course, so the Dad had the idea to put the veggies and juice in a big pot and boil the heck out of them like soup. So the elders played games and we boiled veggies and it all worked out!! Between the Dad, the elders, and Ravi Kumar everything but a few potatoes and 2 muffins were gone in a matter of minutes!! After all was said and done, I had those for my dinner and was grateful for them!! We had fruit cocktail cake and Dream Whip (thanks Nan!) for dessert, and they inhaled that and most had enough room for chocolate ice cream!! It's always a good idea to have extra of everything when the elders come to dinner!! I just love it!!"
Bet you thought this post was going to be a discourse on Indian cuisine, right? To be honest, I am growing a taste for some Indian food, see the New Year's post, but there is much that will never make it with my palate. I'll add a few more food comments when I post on an Indian wedding and reception, 2 separate days, we attended this week.
1 comment:
And here we complain about the snow being so deep, and the low wattage of our microwave and using the oven for more heat!!! To do without ALL the comforts of home must be quite the experience. We did have people here without power for 2 weeks after the ice storm but with motels and other people to take them in, it wasn't too bad for them!!! Love your posts.
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