Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Elizabeth, our daughter who lives in Perth, Australia, arrived and we got back from the airport at 4:15 AM. Good planning though, we had nothing scheduling until the afternoon. Pete, our son-in-law, let Liz go by herself and he stayed with the children. Sister Tanner has looked forward to this visit for months. When these two get through shopping, the Indian economy will move up a couple of points. I'm not going to recount all of their adventures, but they hit the ground running and first up was huge mela (fair) that featured Rajasthan this year. Besides all of the goods for sale, it included entertainment.

Liz had to sleep on the floor as we only had one bed. Robin helped Sister Tanner buy a pad for Liz to use. Here it is being rolled up on the left.

An Aussie in New Delhi.

The fabrics and colors in India are something we will always remember. Looking at this picture was a reminder.

The Noida Relief Society sisters.

The last brownies for a District meeting. The zone leaders picked a good day to visit.

Mansa, our neighbor upstairs, put on a fashion show for Liz and her mother. Ladies only. But they raved about the fabrics when they came back downstairs.

"Raj" A great guy who drove us on many of our humanitarian projects that we could reach by car. He took Liz and Sister Tanner to Agra then Jaipur, Rajasthan, then back to Noida on a 2 day trip that allowed them to see the Taj Mahal and many other wonderful sights...and to shop.
Saturday, February 13, 2010

The birthday girl. The branch put on a birthday party for Sister Tanner and Brother Ajit Singh whose birthdays are actually on the 14th, so the party was on Saturday. It began with a bouquet of roses for Sister Tanner.

The birthday girl and the guys. Ajit Singh is to the left of Sister Tanner.

Sister Tanner and the ladies.

The fabric was a present from the branch ladies, and it is a beautiful color for her. She was able to get the sari sown before we left.

I could not leave this picture of Usha and Subhash at the baptism out of the post. What a wonderful couple they are!!
Later in the afternoon, Sonu and Gauri, two of Sister Tanner's students, held a recital in their home. They presented Sister Tanner with a special birthday and going away gift for her friendship and efforts in teaching them. Anil gave me a groom's scarf. This Hindu family has been special friends the entire time we were in India and you will read at the end of this post how they saved us the night we were to leave to return to the States.

Sonu and Gauri with their new electronic piano to the right.

Sister Tanner with her engraved bowl given to her by the Vermas.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Notice the scaffolding and home remodel going on in the background.

Sister Tanner taught her last Institute class and then as many as could make it, gathered for a farewell party the branch held for us. I get emotional writing this and thinking about again. I actually cried several times as when I went through the pictures for this post as memories of the sweet people we worked with in India came flooding back. Thank you Monica for your leadership and all you did for us. It was such a joy to see you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and to see your commitment to service.

Gifts we received. I love the tie and wore it home.

Usha and Subhash

Sweety and Anu from the Delhi 3rd Branch. Young Single Adults we worked with. Anu, a returned missionary, served in the Bangalore India Mission.

We have been driving by this sign for a year and chuckle each time we see it...and wonder what is inside the building.
After discussing what to do, we called our good friend Anil Verma. Even though it was now midnight, he readily agreed to contact the elders, get the key to our flat, retrieve the passports and coat, and bring them to the airport. The amazing thing is that Anil, Gauri, his daughter, and Sonu, his niece, made it to the airport in just under an hour. That was a minor miracle and a prayer answered. They called us after they got home an hour and a half later and reported that the traffic was jammed and not moving on the other side of the road as they travelled home.
One other challenge we had was one of our bags got lost and did not show up in Los Angeles although the tracking tag from the bag did. Sister Tanner was almost in tears since that bag had all of the gifts for our children and grandchildren we were bringing to them from India. We filed a report with the airline and 2 days later they had located the bag and sent it on to our home in St George.
We were tired and beat when we finally arrived at 8 PM, Thursday, February 25th, about 28 hours after we left Delhi. When we came down the jetway and into the terminal, I could not believe my eyes. Our daughter Julie had flown up from Arizona and waited in the terminal to greet us. She walked with us and then held back as we passed through security above the baggage claim area and saw the signs and more of our family to greet us, it was sooooo wonderful. There were around 20 people there and our spirits were lifted with the welcome back. We stayed in the Salt Lake City area for the next 5 days visiting with family and trying to recover from the trip. The next night, Friday, they had a homecoming party for us with many of our friends there. It was supposed to have been a surprise, and it was, but we figured something was going on that day as Sister Tanner's father had the assignment to get us out of the house and keep us occupied until evening.
We finally flew home to St George on March 3rd and made it to our own house. It was so nice to really be home, really home. That evening, we met with President Henderson, our Stake (District) president, and he released us as missionaries. But the stay at home lasted exactly one day, Thursday. Friday we were in our car and driving back north to stay with Sister Tanner's parents while all the ladies gathered for a bridal shower, a bride's party for our niece who will be married on April 10th in Colorado. We stayed up north until Wednesday and then drove back to St George. We went to our own ward (branch) for the first time since we got back the next Sunday, March 14th, and received a warm welcome. The day started very early for us as the daylight savings time change moved the clock ahead an hour and we met at 6:30 AM with the Stake Presidency and High Council to report our mission and answer a few questions. It was only about 20 minutes, but a very spiritual and emotional 20 minutes. A great way to start the day!
Sunday, March 21st, we both spoke in Sacrament meeting on being converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and included some experiences from our mission in our talks. We talked with a group of senior couples in our Stake on April 18th to share experiences from our mission and to answer questions on serving a senior mission. These are older members who are considering going on a mission and the stake is trying to provide information and encouragement to them to go. Other than speaking in Sacrament meeting, that was our first assignment.
I do not think a day has gone by since we left that we have not thought of the people we love and had to leave behind for now in India. Many have said we did a great work with the humanitarian projects and we met and worked with some wonderful people in the process, but the real reward of our mission, the blessing we will treasure, is the love we share for the members of the Noida Branch and the Delhi District and all of the great young men, the elders, that we had the privilege to work with while in India.